How to Lose 20 Kilos of Overweight

If you're 20 pounds overweight, then you can be classified as obese, depending on your height, sex and build. Yes you are considered obese or just overweight, excess weight can be a major threat to health and longevity. Diet and exercise are the most important factors for a weight reduction plan. If you lose one to two pounds per week, you can lose 20 kg of 5-11 months.
  • Reduce consumption to 500 calories per day. Determines the amount of calories you eat in a day and make a plan to consume just 500 calories or less. Reducing 500 calories per day results in a loss of a pound a week (3500 calories = 1 pound of fat). Realistically, you lose one to two pounds per week when you do your normal daily activities. This allows restricted caloric value steadily losing weight, even without exercise. You can lose up to 10 pounds in the first week of your diet. This initial weight loss is a combination of lost glycogen and water, you will lose one to two pounds per week predominantly fat.
  • Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables. These nutrients are light in calories, so you can eat more than these foods and feel more full. foods with sugar and fat are high in calories and can not fully satisfy hunger.
  • Eat five or six small meals a day. Distribute your daily calories between meals evenly. This keeps your metabolism high throughout the day.
  • Eat all the meals before 7pm. Do you make a lot of activity after dinner, and avoid the possibility that your body to store calories as fat night while you sleep.
  • Drink water throughout the day. Drinking eight glasses of water each day increases fat loss, promotes healthy blood flow, aids digestion and removes toxins from the body. Water also has zero calories, so you can drink all you want.
  • Restrict your daily calorie intake by 100 calories every two weeks. This restriction rate lets you continue steady weight loss in a safe and controlled manner. Workouts
  • Join a gym. It's good but not necessary to have access to fitness equipment and cardio machines.
  • Perform cardio workouts for 30 minutes about 5 weeks. As you lose more weight and you get in better shape, you'll burn more calories per session naturally, as you can comfortably carry higher intensity levels. The exercise bicycle, swimming, stair machines and elliptical are viable options for cardiovascular work.
  • Perform resistance training twice a week. Compound movements like squats, presses are ideal for your goals. Three sets of 10 repetitions per exercise is enough. every strength training session should last 30-45 minutes. Do not do strength training on consecutive days, you must have at least one day of rest between strength training sessions. Strength training increases your metabolism and preserve muscle tissue, which achieve greater muscle definition, and You can lose weight.
  • Following this diet and exercise regimen for five months. And if you've reached your goal of losing 20 pounds at this point, then you can start a maintenance diet and a fitness program. A simple maintenance plan is indicated calorie consumption per day with two strength sessions and three cardio sessions of 30 minutes per week

Protein Rich Foods To Lose Weight

To be successful losing weight can be a difficult task, but once armed with the basic knowledge and some key information, the path to better health may be easier. "What to Eat"? 's an important question often asked by those who want to diet, and the answer is with protein foods. Foods that are rich in protein often have the added advantage of being low in fat and are a complete source of amino acids, which are essential in building muscles, which in turn allows you to burn more fat even while resting these Science A hormone called PYY can reduce hunger that is released during the digestive process. The release of this hormone PYY is triggered by the consumption of foods rich in protein, and studies suggest that this might be a solution to the problem of obesity.

Increasing the protein content of the diet help reduce hunger and lose weight. This was demonstrated in controlled studies in which the test subjects reported that a protein-rich meal more satisfying. How much protein to consume? Before diving into a plate of meatballs or a large piece of meat, there are several terms used to describe various amounts of proteins that need to be understood. A good source of protein is a food that contains at least 5 grams of protein per serving, and food labeled "high in protein" are those that contain 10 or more grams of protein per serving. Foods such as skinless turkey, chicken breast, cold water fish such as salmon, halibut and haddock, duck breast and all high in lean protein. Other good sources of protein are: the low-fat cottage cheese, soy beans, cheese, pork and lamb. flours of grains and legumes are also rich in protein vegetarian options. There are also a variety of soy-based products on the market that are high in protein, and there are a lot of supplements based on protein shakes and powders to help increase their protein intake. A well balanced diet experts agree that a well balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat is the best way to achieve a healthy weight. The new evidence that supports high-protein diets suggests removing no other food group, but also advocates eating a well balanced diet, but the choice of low-fat protein on which are rich in saturated fats. Of course, always consult with your health care professional before starting any new diet.

How to Count Protein in Foods

Protein is necessary for the body to function effectively . This helps the body 45 percent and 20 percent of the muscles. It is important to get an adequate amount of protein in a diet. It is best not to assume that you are eating enough protein. Instead, learn to accurately assess protein intake. How to know how many calories you consume:
Meet foods containing protein. Protein is found in meat, fish and dairy products. They are also found in some cereals, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts. Eat more of these foods, if you are not eating enough protein.
Calculate the amount of protein you need to consume. recommended daily amount of protein is approximately 10-15 percent of total calorie intake. Learn how to determine the amount of protein in your meals. Look at the nutrition label of foods. This will list the amount of protein per serving in grams. To calculate the amount of calories of protein in that meal, multiply the number of grams of protein for four . You can find out what the percentage of total calories in the protein. Carry a checklist of the amount of protein in food when you have no access to a label. For example, it is useful to know that an ounce of meat, fish or poultry has seven grams of protein, or that the bread usually has three grams of protein.

How to Make a Diet to Burn Belly Fat With Carbs

Burns fat diet is a diet in which alternate days consuming low calorie carbohydrates with high carbohydrate days calorie s. This balances rapid results on low carbohydrates with increasing energy in high carbohydrate days.

It's not like a diet low in carbohydrates, where people lose weight quickly but often returns to recover, it is not a diet high in carbohydrates, where people simply struggle to lose weight. It's somewhere in the middle, and the results are constant slow weight loss but healthy. This weight loss will result in burn belly fat, because your body burns fat evenly.

As in Abdominal Fat Burning 7 Step
  1. Plan your meals for the next week starting on Sunday. Since fat burning diet alternate high and low carb, it is important to know exactly what you will eat in advance.
  2. Make sure your high carbohydrate days are getting sources from toasted whole grain and vegetables, sources rather simple as sugary drinks and white bread. 
  3. Avoid granulated carbohydrates your low carb days. The bread, rice and pasta are just for high days.
  4. Consume protein from lean sources, healthy as tofu, chicken breast and fish. This will also ensure that the fat comes from healthy sources. Avoid things like bacon and processed meat to keep saturated fats out of your diet. 
  5. Walk or jog every day. Jog in the days walking in your high and low carb days.
  6. Do exercises, composed of short repeats up on your weight training days. These can be dead weight bench presses and overhead presses that work multiple muscles at once. They not only burn but also exercise your abdominal muscles to stabilize , which will help to tone your stomach and make it look flatter quickly. 
  7. Abdominal exercises you can do lying down with your knees bent and your hands on your chest. These will work your stomach muscles, but keep in mind that fat loss is much more important for a flat stomach

Proteinmeal Diets To Gain Muscle Mass

For bodybuilders, athletes and weightlifters, the goal is to gain as much muscle as fast as possible. And as more experienced coaches say, muscle growth does not occur in the gym but during the other 23 hours a day, while the rest of the muscle is reconstructed from the stresses of everyday. However, for this process to occur smoothly , we have to feed the engine with a proper diet.

Learn how diet rich in protein can result in quality muscle gains.

Protein intake daily necessary for ordinary people falls somewhere around 0.4 g per kg of body weight. As the muscle is mainly based on the process of protein synthesis, the daily requirement of protein for people looking to increase lean mass falls somewhere between 1-2 g per kg of body weight. So we already have an idea of the amount of protein for a diet gain muscle.  remember that consistency is the key to progress. You can not expect to gain muscle during the overnight. If you do everything correctly and keep your diet under control, the most you can hope for is about one to two pounds of muscle in a week. To maximize your growth, you have the least possible cheating on your diet. Meets 90% for profit best, keep your meals once or twice a week.

Tips to achieve a small waist

  • Can start doing crunches lying on a mat, remember to start with few and over time gradually increase the intensity and amount, put your hands supporting you in the head, put them in the temples or on the chest. 
  • Standing with legs slightly apart and arms behind his head, turn your torso to one side and then the other with the movement with arms and head. It's good to do many repetitions of this exercise but do it slowly and with emphasis on the waist to avoid injury.
  • Standing with arms behind his head, legs slightly apart and torso leaning forward with your back straight (so as to form with the legs at an angle of 90 °), rotate your torso to one side and then to the other with the movement with arms and head. Do not rush, take your time, then you will see that increases flexibility and is easier to perform.
  • Sitting in a chair with the body slightly backward, arms behind the body with hands gripping the chair, legs stretched suspended parallel to the floor, makes a contraction trying to touch your knees with your chest. Then place yourself in the position. Try doing a few repetitions at first and then auméntalas at your potential.
  • Lie on the floor with your legs together straight and arms at your sides, lift both legs at once without unstuck from one another to form a 90° angle with the thorax. Slowly lower legs back up to your starting position.
  • Standing with legs apart and arms extended sideways lean to the right, down turning the torso to try to play with the left hand on the right foot, then returns to the original position and repeat the movement but left (to play with the right hand left foot).
  • Takes a broom and places the stick behind his head, resting on the shoulders and holding it with both hands. Position yourself with your legs apart and slightly bent and begins a slow movement of rotation from side to side, hip still. Start slowly and then go increased the intensity and number of repetitions. 
  • Very important to always be with contracted abdomen whether sitting, walking or standing, you must lift your shoulders and neck straight put in place. You can simply reduce if you make twenty inches deep breaths while you control the position and relax.
  • Upon daily shower, it is important that you apply a gentle massage cream that will help to prevent sagging. You can use firming creams and moisturizers to perform this massage.
  • Do not forget to accompany exercise and achieve your goals, you should eat very healthy, do not skip any meal of the day, and try to choose foods that are low calorie and take mucah water or herbal teas. You can also take natural fruit juices without added sugar.
You can also visit the link enviable waist, and abdomen without leaving home , where more graphically see the different exercises you can do to tone these parts of body.

Tips to reduce waist

Reduce Body Fat
Many people make the mistake of starting a routine of crunches to reduce waist and abdomen without removing body fat, so the most important thing to reduce waist fast, is to start cardio and aerobic exercises, bike riding, running, climbing stairs, or dancing, to thereby burn fat on your body, lose weight and improve your fitness and health.

Routines localized exercises
Once you burn body fat, it's time to start a good exercise routine to the waist. You can sit-ups, crunches hipopresivos or home exercises commonly performed as waist move side to side or moving the torso from left to right.

Healthy and balanced
is useless to exercise every day, if you lead a healthy and balanced diet, as this is the best addition to the exercises, and daily water consumption, which will help to eliminate toxins and enhance weight loss.

Eliminate sugar and saturated fat
Try to stay away from the desserts, sugars and saturated fats, and choose oils like olive. Do not eat more junk food, do not drink more soda, do not eat so many fried foods, etc.. Also stay away from carbohydrates like bread, as these often become fat and it accumulates mainly in the abdomen and waist.

Cena little but healthy
your body at night is not active so you do not need energy to metabolize the things you eat at night before bed, so it is important to consume food at dinner not so heavy as salads, fruits or vegetables and you do two hours before you go to bed.